Samuel Cunard Memorial Project

Clippings from Halifax, Nova Scotia media on move to establish a lasting memorial in that city to native son Samuel Cunard, founder of Cunard Line

Clippings from Halifax, Nova Scotia media on move to establish a lasting
memorial in that city to native son Samuel Cunard, founder of Cunard Line

The Cunard Steamship Society has long been a proponent of establishing a monument to Samuel Cunard on the Halifax waterfront. The issue gained considerable momentum last Fall when Society Patron and Cunard Commodore Ronald Warwick voiced support for such an initiative in a letter addressed to the Halifax Chronicle Herald newspaper following the inaugural visit by the QM2 to this port on September 25, 2004. His challenge was then taken up by the Halifax Foundation which, in co-operation with the Halifax Port Authority is spearheading the drive to construct a statue of Halifax native and company founder Samuel Cunard.

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Campania PaintingWith a history that now spans nearly two centuries it is no surprise that there exits a great number of art pieces depicting ships of the Cunard Line. These works are in many forms – oils, acrylics, watercolours, pen & ink drawings to name but a few. They are to be found all over the globe, each reflecting the image of not just a ship, but also some aspect of the remarkable history of the incomparable Cunard Line.
In the pursuit of its mandate to preserve and promote Cunard history, the Cunard Steamship Society is establishing a Registry of Cunard Art ( As proposed, the registry would provide a written and, where agreed upon by the artist/owner, a visual record of the art form. Quite apart from its educational and conservation value, the registry would be of considerable interest to ocean liner and maritime enthusiasts throughout the world.
The Society is currently formulating a registration template. In the meantime it welcomes expressions of interest in listing from artists, corporations, museums and private individuals…indeed anyone who possesses a piece of Cunard art. Registration is entirely voluntary. Where the owner/artist expresses a wish to do so, artwork accepted for listing and display may also be noted as available for purchase. Referrals made through the registry which give rise to a sale of any artwork may be the subject of a commission previously agreed to between the owner/artist and the Society. Expressions of interest may be sent using our contact form.

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franconia04-cIn July of 2003 the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic and members of the Maritime Ship Modelers Guild embarked on a cooperative effort to refurbish a thirteen foot model of this popular Cunard liner. While Museum personnel are currently restoring the large mahogany display case, the modelers are putting the finishing touches on the ship model – both should be complete in the next few months.
The ‘Franconia Project’ as it came to be known began in July of 2003 with the complete dismantling and cataloging of all parts of the ship. The modelers then identified the many different tasks which were then assigned to working groups from the modeler’s complement. A smaller ‘project group’ led the initiative which has continued unabated to this time. During this period the restoration has been witnessed by countless visitors to the museum who have enjoyed watching the modelers in the ‘workshop’ specially built to house the Franconia model while under refurbishment.

'Franconia Project' at Maritime Museum of Atlantic with modelersJohn Green, Bill Moore and Gerry Wright.

‘Franconia Project’ at Maritime Museum of Atlantic with modelers
John Green, Bill Moore and Gerry Wright.

Franconia sporting newly painted hull.

Franconia sporting newly painted hull.

Museum staff and modelers alike took great pride in hosting Commodore Ronald W. Warwick and officers of the Queen Mary 2 on a tour of the ‘Franconia Project’ as part of the many events surrounding the inaugural visit of the new Cunard flagship to Halifax in September of 2004.

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Commodore Warwick and officers of QM2 with Hugh Paton, great great grandson of Samuel Cunard and Graeme Duffus, descendant of Susan Duffus, wife of Cunard Line founder

Commodore Warwick and officers of QM2 with Hugh Paton, great great grandson of Samuel Cunard and Graeme Duffus, descendant of Susan Duffus, wife of Cunard Line founder

On September 25, 2004 an exhibition featuring different works of art from the collection of Society Chairman John G. Langley, Q.C was formally opened by Captain R.W. Warwick, Master of the Queen Mary 2 and Commodore of the Cunard Line.
The exhibit is displayed in the Charles and Andrea Bronfman Theatre in Pier 21 which is the main terminus for cruise ships visiting the historic seaport of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Through various mediums of oils, watercolours, pen and ink drawings and other art forms the exhibition provides an historic perspective from early days to the present of Samuel Cunard and the Cunard Line. The exhibit will run from September 25, 2004 until October 31, 2005.

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QM2 Dockside at Pier 21, Halifax

QM2 Dockside at Pier 21, Halifax

September 25, 2004 was an historic day for Halifax, the people of Nova Scotia and Cunard Line. The Queen Mary 2, new flagship of the Cunard Line made her inaugural visit to Halifax, Nova Scotia, birthplace of Company founder Samuel Cunard on this date. It was a homecoming of great import, not just for those who came from all over the province and beyond to bear witness to the spectacle of the world’s most famous ship, but also for passengers, crew and Cunard Line executives present for the occasion to discover or re-discover the company’s Canadian roots… here, in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The arrival in Halifax of the Queen Mary 2 continues the unparalleled history of innovation and development of steam navigation which began one hundred and sixty-four years earlier with the maiden transatlantic crossing to Halifax in 1840 by the first Cunard flagship ‘Britannia’.

Commodore Warwick in conversation with John Hennigar-Shuh, Director of Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax'

Commodore Warwick in conversation with John Hennigar-Shuh, Director of Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax’

The QM2’s two day visit was highlighted with a gala dinner at Pier 21 National Historic site by the Halifax Port Authority and hosted by Pier 21 Society. The dinner was preceded by a reception and formal opening by Commodore Ronald W. Warwick of ‘Cunard On Canvas – the Langley Collection’ – an exhibition of artwork from the collection of Cunard Steamship Society Chairman John G. Langley Q.C. featuring Samuel Cunard and ships of the Cunard Line from inception to the present time.

Commodore R.W. Warwick, Bill Miller, John G. Langley and officers of QM2 at Maritime Museum of Atlantic September 26, 2004

Commodore R.W. Warwick, Bill Miller, John G. Langley and officers of QM2 at Maritime Museum of Atlantic September 26, 2004

The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic on Halifax’s waterfront hosted a public reception on September 26, 2004 at which time a financial contribution towards the costs of restoring a thirteen foot model of the ‘Franconia’ by the museum and the Maritime Modelers Guild was received from Cunard Line/Carnival Corporation by John Hennigar-Shuh, Director of the museum. Commodore Warwick in his comments acknowledged the fine work of the Modelers Guild in the restoration and refurbishing of the Franconia and later had a first-hand look at the model in the museum’s Age of Steam Gallery.

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stamp-senatorAt a stamp launch ceremony held May 28, 2004 at the Lord Nelson Hotel in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada officials of Canada Post unveiled a stamp commemorating Halifax native Samuel Cunard, founder of the Cunard Line. A ‘special’ guest speaker at the opening was a long-time friend, journalist, statesman and ardent supporter of the concept of steam navigation, Joseph Howe, impersonated by actor Michael Bawtree. The Cunard Steamship Society as proponent was formally recognized for its role in procuring this stamp in ceremonies surrounding the inaugural visit by the new Cunard flagship Queen Mary 2 to Halifax in September of 2004.

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