‘Cunardia’ and Queen Victoria

Cunard’s newest liner was brought into service late in 2007 following christening by Her Royal Highness, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall in Southampton December 10, 2007. In an effort to capture the grand style and decor associated with the floating palaces of the past, and also to give emphasis to its rich history and heritage, Cunard Line created Cunardia, a museum-style exhibit of Cunard memorabilia aboard Queen Victoria. The permanent onboard display reflects a number of different themes focused upon the line’s three great Queens… Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth and QE2. Some of the artifacts in the Cunardia exhibit are on loan from the collection of John G. Langley, Q.C., Chairman of the Cunard Steamship Society. Retired Commodore Ronald W. Warwick, Patron of the Society and former Master of both QE2 and Queen Mary 2 serves as Honorary Curator of the exhibit.

Central showcase in Cunardia Exhibit onboard Queen Victoriafeaturing the first three Cunard 'Queens'...Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Elizabeth 2

Central showcase in Cunardia Exhibit onboard Queen Victoria featuring the first three Cunard ‘Queens’…Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Elizabeth 2

One of themed displays in Cunardia Exhibit presenting photographicimages of historic ports of call of early Cunard liners.

One of themed displays in Cunardia Exhibit presenting photographic images of historic ports of call of early Cunard liners.

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Book Launch – Steam Lion – a biography of Samuel Cunard

Cover of Steam Lion - a biography of Samuel Cunard

Cover of Steam Lion – a biography of Samuel Cunard

On October 6, 2006, Nimbus Publishing Ltd., and the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax hosted the launch of Steam Lion, a biography of Samuel Cunard, written by John G. Langley, Chairman of the Cunard Steamship Society.
In attendance were many friends of the author, and from Cunard Line, Carol Marlow, President & Managing Director, Brian O’Connor, Director Public Relations, Jackie Matthews, Manager Public Relations, as well as Commodore Ronald W. Warwick and his wife Kim.

The book is now available at bookstores across Canada and will soon be released in the United States and the United Kingdom.


Author, John G. Langley at launch of Steam Lion,Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, October 6, 2006

Author, John G. Langley at launch of Steam Lion, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, October 6, 2006

Copies may also be obtained from the author for $30.00 CDN, plus shipping & handling. Contact: John G. Langley, 31 Rockwood, Halifax, N.S. B3N 1X4.

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Commodore Warwick made Honorary Member The Company of Master Mariners of Canada

The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic was once again the scene for yet another award presented to a great friend and ever-popular Commodore Ronald W. Warwick, retired Master of the Queen Mary 2.
On October 13, 2006, Commodore Warwick was made an Honorary Member of the Company of Master Mariners of Canada in a colourful ceremony, preceded by a reception, at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Those speaking at the event included Grand Master James Calvesbert, Captain Angus McDonald, and Commodore Warwick. In his remarks, Commodore Warwick paid tribute to Cunard Line and gave a fascinating account of his spectacular 36 year career with the company which Halifax native Samuel Cunard began in 1840.

Commodore Warwick receiving Certificate from Grand Master(Maritimes Division) James Calvesbert and Captain Angus McDonald

Commodore Warwick receiving Certificate from Grand Master (Maritimes Division) James Calvesbert and Captain Angus McDonald

Commodore Ronald Warwick addressing the gathering at MaritimeMuseum of the Atlantic in Halifax, October13, 2006 after receivingCertificate of Honorary Membership in The Company of Master Marinersof Canada

Commodore Ronald Warwick addressing the gathering at Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, October13, 2006 after receiving Certificate of Honorary Membership in The Company of Master Mariners of Canada

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Cunard Statue – Halifax, Nova Scotia

Crowd, including officers from Queen Mary 2, gathered for unveiling of statue of Samuel Cunard, Halifax waterfront, October 7, 2006

Crowd, including officers from Queen Mary 2, gathered for unveiling of statue of Samuel Cunard, Halifax waterfront, October 7, 2006

With the Queen Mary 2 providing a magnificent backdrop, a large crowd gathered on the Halifax waterfront on October 7, 2006 to witness the unveiling of a 10′ bronze statue of Halifax native and company founder, Sir Samuel Cunard. Just two years from its inception, the Samuel Cunard Memorial Committee( of the Halifax Foundation), with Commodore Ronald W. Warwick as its Honorary Chairman, brought to fruition the long held dream for the construction of a suitable memorial to Samuel Cunard. This Halifax native, the ‘Steam Lion’, revolutionized transportation and communication between the Old and New Worlds with the introduction of his steamships to the North Atlantic beginning with the Cunard Line flag ship Britannia, in 1840.

The statue was designed by Halifax sculptor Peter Bustin and cast by Artcast Foundry in Georgetown, Ontario. Nova Scotia Lieutenant-Governor Mayann Francis, aided by Samuel (8) and Benjamin (6) Paton, Cunard descendants, formally unveiled the statue with hundreds of spectators, including a large contingent of officers from the QM2 looking on.

Statue unveiled. L to R, Jack Keith, Chairman Halifax Foundation, Hon. Alan Abraham, Chairman Sir Samuel Cunard Memorial Project; Commodore Ronald Warwick, Honorary Chairman Implementing Committee, Carol Marlow, President Cunard Line with Paton boys, Peter Bustin, Sculptor, Karen Oldfield, CEO Halifax Port Authority and John G. Langley, Committee member and Chairman Cunard Steamship Society

Statue unveiled. L to R, Jack Keith, Chairman Halifax Foundation, Hon. Alan Abraham, Chairman Sir Samuel Cunard Memorial Project; Commodore Ronald Warwick, Honorary Chairman Implementing Committee, Carol Marlow, President Cunard Line with Paton boys, Peter Bustin, Sculptor, Karen Oldfield, CEO Halifax Port Authority and John G. Langley, Committee member and Chairman Cunard Steamship Society

A sit down luncheon hosted by the Halifax Foundation followed in the nearby Cunard Centre.
Addresses during the luncheon were made by Jack Keith, Chairman of the Halifax Foundation, Carol Marlow, President & Managing Director of Cunard Line, John G. Langley, Q.C., Chairman of the Cunard Steamship Society and member of the Monument Committee, Commodore Ronald W. Warwick, and Pete Paton, great-great grandson of Samuel Cunard.



'Home At Last' - 10' bronze statue ofHaligonian Samuel Cunard.

‘Home At Last’ – 10′ bronze statue of
Haligonian Samuel Cunard.

Jackie Matthews, Manager Public Relations, Cunard Line talking withCunard descendants, Pete Paton and son Hugh Paton, of Charlottetown, PEI.

Jackie Matthews, Manager Public Relations, Cunard Line talking with Cunard descendants, Pete Paton and son Hugh Paton, of Charlottetown, PEI.

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QM2 – retirement luncheon for Commodore Warwick

Reception in Queens Room aboard QM2.Those shown here (L to R) are Harold Woods, John G. Langley, Robert Murphy and Beryl Woods

Reception in Queens Room aboard QM2.Those shown here (L to R)
are Harold Woods, John G. Langley, Robert Murphy and Beryl Woods

A tribute luncheon to honour Commodore Ronald W. Warwick upon his retirement was hosted by Cunard Line and the Long Island Chapter of the Steamship Historical Society of America aboard Queen Mary 2 while berthed at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal on July 24, 2006. Guests for this special occasion included hundreds of friends of the Master of the QM2, many of whom were staying aboard as passengers on the Commodore’s final transatlantic crossing. Commodore Warwick officially retired upon arrival at Southampton July 31, 2006 after 36 years of esteemed service with Cunard Line.

John G. Langley, Chairman Cunard Steamship Society,paying tribute to Commodore Warwick in address to guests at reception in Queens Room aboard QM2

John G. Langley, Chairman Cunard Steamship Society,
paying tribute to Commodore Warwick in address to
guests at reception in Queens Room aboard QM2

Commodore Warwick, Cunard Line President Carol Marlow(L) and Barbara Murphy (R) at Tribute Luncheon in Britannia Restaurant aboard QM2

Commodore Warwick, Cunard Line President Carol Marlow
(L) and Barbara Murphy (R) at Tribute Luncheon in Britannia Restaurant aboard QM2

Commodore Warwick, followingpresentation of oil painting by marine artist Robert Lloyd

Commodore Warwick, following
presentation of oil painting by marine artist Robert Lloyd

'Commodore's Table', Tribute Luncheon July 24, 2006.Standing, L to R - Robert Lloyd, Christopher Dougherty, Tom Cassidy, Kim Warwick, Mr. & Mrs. David Warwick, & John G. Langley. Seated, L to R - Bill Miller, Carol Marlow, Commodore Warwick, Barbara & Robert Murphy

‘Commodore’s Table’, Tribute Luncheon July 24, 2006.
Standing, L to R – Robert Lloyd, Christopher Dougherty, Tom Cassidy, Kim Warwick, Mr. & Mrs. David Warwick, & John G. Langley. Seated, L to R – Bill Miller, Carol Marlow, Commodore Warwick, Barbara & Robert Murphy

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Cunard Ship Model Registry

During the course of the past number of months efforts have been ongoing to establish a ‘registry of Cunard ship models’. Recently discussions have taken place with other like-minded groups towards a co-operative venture that would see the creation of two sites; one ‘general’ site for the registration of all different types of ship models, linked to a second site for a ‘Cunard model Registry’.

Current plans are for details to continue to be worked out among the participants…Dr. Sid Siegal of the Ship Modelers’ Association of Southern California and John F. Green of the Maritime Ship Modelers’ Guild (Halifax).

It is hoped that a working design/layout for the Registries will be on line in the near future, allowing the opportunity for the permanent registration (record) of these unique works of art.

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Maritime Museum of the Atlantic Special Events

Museum Director John Hennigar-Shuh with Commodore Ronald W. Warwick, Master of Queen Mary 2 with refurbished Cunard liner 'Franconia'

Museum Director John Hennigar-Shuh with Commodore Ronald W. Warwick, Master of Queen Mary 2 with refurbished Cunard liner ‘Franconia’

The Maritime Museum was the scene of two events of particular historical significance on the afternoon of October 3rd.
The Maritime Ship Modelers Guild and museum personnel have been working diligently together for the past eighteen months refurbishing a large thirteen foot builder’s model of the much loved Cunard liner ‘Franconia’. Commodore Warwick and the Cunard Steamship Society have been active in their support for this initiative which saw Cunard Line donate $10,000.00 towards the project during a ceremony at the museum associated with the inaugural visit to Halifax by the QM2 in September of 2004.

Commodore Warwick with John Green and other members of the Maritime Ship Modelers' Guild instrumental in refurbishing model of 'Franconia' at MMA

Commodore Warwick with John Green and other members of the Maritime Ship Modelers’ Guild instrumental in refurbishing model of ‘Franconia’ at MMA

Today however was the day which everyone involved had looked forward to for so long…the formal unveiling of the completed model and case, a function appropriately conducted by members of the Modelers Guild and museum staff, aided by Commodore Warwick. The model and case, both impeccably restored will continue to be a source of pride and inspiration to museum visitors for years to come.
Following the unveiling of the Franconia, museum Director John Hennigar-Shuh took time to honour and praise Commodore Warwick, Master of the Queen Mary 2 as a great “friend of the museum.” In doing so, he announced that Commodore Warwick was the first recipient of the ‘Admiralty Circle Award’ presented by the museum to those who have made a special contribution towards the betterment of the museum and its mandate.

Presentation of Nova Scotia crystal to Commodore Warwick as first recipient of 'Admiralty Circle Award' from Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.

Presentation of Nova Scotia crystal to Commodore Warwick as first recipient of ‘Admiralty Circle Award’ from Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.

Presentation ceremony at unveiling of the restored Franconia model and display case

Presentation ceremony at unveiling of the restored Franconia model and display case

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Queen Mary 2 Halifax port call October 3, 2005

Queen Mary 2 approaching berth at Pier 21 in Halifax in the early morning light of October 3, 2005

Queen Mary 2 approaching berth at Pier 21 in Halifax in the early morning light of October 3, 2005

The new Cunard flagship slipped quietly into Halifax harbour to berth at Pier 21 as
dawn broke on October 3, 2005. A cloudless blue sky and summer temperatures enhanced the special onboard events planned for this day… all focused upon and highlighting the unique historical links between Halifax and Cunard Line.



Hon. Alan Abraham, John Jay and Robert Stapells, three members of the Sir Samuel Cunard Memorial Committee meeting with Honorary Chairman Commodore Warwick aboard QM2 in Halifax October 3, 2005

Hon. Alan Abraham, John Jay and Robert Stapells, three members of the Sir Samuel Cunard Memorial Committee meeting with Honorary Chairman Commodore Warwick aboard QM2 in Halifax October 3, 2005

Another ‘Cunard first’ and history was made when the Sir Samuel Cunard Memorial Committee of the Halifax Foundation met aboard the QM2.

This committee which has been active for the previous year promoting the move to construct a monument to Samuel Cunard is chaired by Hon. Alan Abraham along with John Jay, Robert Stapells and John G. Langley. Commodore Ronald Warwick is Honourary Chairman.

A special luncheon held aboard in the Todd English restaurant followed.

John G. Langley, Q.C., Chairman of Cunard Steamship Society addressing media aboard Queen Mary 2 at official launch of Cunard Monument Project October 3, 2005

John G. Langley, Q.C., Chairman of Cunard Steamship Society addressing media aboard Queen Mary 2 at official launch of Cunard Monument Project October 3, 2005

At this time the Halifax Foundation announced to a large contingent of invited media the formal plans to construct a lasting memorial to Samuel Cunard on the Halifax waterfront. Cunard Line presented Mr. Abraham with a ceremonial cheque for $75,000.00 making Cunard Line the lead donor in the campaign to raise funds for the statue which is hoped to be ready for unveiling in October of 2006.



Cheque presentation aboard Queen Mary 2, Halifax, Nova Scotia October 3, 2005. L to R:Hon. Alan Abraham (Chairman), Commodore R.W. Warwick (Honourary Chairman) and John G. Langley Q.C. (member) Samuel Cunard Memorial Committee

Cheque presentation aboard Queen Mary 2, Halifax, Nova Scotia October 3, 2005. L to R:Hon. Alan Abraham (Chairman), Commodore R.W. Warwick (Honourary Chairman) and John G. Langley Q.C. (member) Samuel Cunard Memorial Committee

Clipping from Halifax press reporting on official launch of Sir SamuelCunard Memorial Project

Clipping from Halifax press reporting on official launch of Sir Samuel
Cunard Memorial Project

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