Mauretania/Lusitania Model Refit Completed

Maritime Ship Modelers Guild member John Green seen here with the refurbished model of Mauretania at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.

The stunning 18 foot builder’s model of the Cunard liner Mauretania originally built by the venerable  British firm of Bassett- Lowke is now on display as part of the Cunard exhibit at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

John Green, Gerald Wright and Bill Moore of the Maritime Ship Modelers Guild , who were also instrumental  in the restoration of the museum’s model of the Cunarder Franconia (‘Franconia Project’) back in 2006-07, spent more than 400 hours refurbishing ‘The Maurey’. The model is an eye-popping display of fine craftsmanship resplendent in its polished mahogany case.

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